HIKING TO DOUGHNUT FALLS June 2008 - 36 photos
On the 27th day of June 2008, Bill Joy and I hiked up to Doughnut falls, (or as some say, Donut Falls), which is located in the Mill D South Fork of Big Cottonwood Canyon. The name "Doughnut Falls" is derived from the round shaped hole in the roof of the cave that a small stream tumbles through. Did I say a small stream? Not this spring. Many people never see the cave or falls because of a steep climb up to the cave. There is a large rockslide in front of the cave and you have to climb above to see anything, usually up the right side, but this year the water volume was so great and fast that we decided not to try the climb. Instead we climbed up the hillside across the stream to get high enough to see the cave and falls. It was much harder than expected as the hillside is very steep, more than 45 degrees and mostly loose dirt and gravel, very slippery and hard to get any kind of footing. I still can't beleive we made it as far as we did, and coming down was something else. The only way down was to slide, and slide we did.
We saw two deer from the parking lot, just as we were getting ready to start our hike.
Doughnut Falls 2008
The hike is 1.5 milles round trip, with an elevation gain of 350 ft, highest elevation about 7,800 ft. The trailhead is 9 miles along Big Cottonwood Canyon Road. As you travel into the canyon, just before the Spruces Campground, at Jordan Pines Picnic area, there is a paved road then dirt that goes south (or right as you travel up the canyon) from the main road. This spur road ends at a parking lot. This road also serves several private property lots. (Please respect their private property, and stay on the road or designated trails).
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There are other hikes to Doughnut Falls below
Doughnut Falls, 2002
Doughnut Falls, 2004
My photos shown here were taken with a Canon EOS 20D, a 10.1 Megapixel SLR Camera, using my 17-55mm IS wide angle to 3x zoom lens. Some of these photos were taken by Bill Joy with his Fujifilm Finepix s6000fd, wide angle to 10.7x optical zoom.
These photos have been reduced in size and compressed 10:1 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.
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