September 2000 - 15 photos

We hiked to Malan's Basin on Septmber 2nd, 2000. It is located east of Ogden Utah where the trail head starts at the east end of 29th street. This small valley, located just below Mount Ogden Peak, was until recently the private property of the Malan family. It is now owned by Chris Peterson. Over a hundred years ago, (1893-1913), the Malan family built a small hotel, sawmill, seven log cabins and a club house there. All that is left is a sign telling of the resort and an old iron boiler used to run the sawmill. If you look close, you can read "AMES IRON WORKS OSWEGO, NY" on the boiler. Chris Peterson plans on buliding a new resort in this same area. The hike into Malan's Basin is rated Difficult. The trail starts out in the south side of Taylor Canyon rising by switchbacks to the top of Malan's Peak, then on into the canyon above Waterfall Canyon. The stream running through the area feeds the 200 foot Waterfall below. (See Waterfall Canyon hikes)

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Malan's Basin

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Malan's Basin from above

New Info: Chris Peterson bought the property of Malan's Basin from the Malan family, and recently obtained all the property below including Waterfall Canyon. He is fencing the area and has put in gates. He now has rangers patrolling his property and they may require you to show ID and sign a log book to hike in the area. Todd Black, executive director of the Utah Cooperative Wildlife Management Association, said Peterson is within his legal right to use his own private rangers to enforce the laws of his land.

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   - 15 photos -
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Related Photos

Malan's Basin Hike in 2009
Malan's Basin, 2009
 Malan's Basin, 2009

The photos shown on this and the following pages were taken with an Olympus C-2500L SLR Digital 2.5 Megapixel Camera, with 3x optical zoom. The original resolution was set at 1280 x 1024. These photos are now 625 x 500 to save computer memory.   You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.

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