August 2010 - 72 photos

Well, we did another hike in the Uintas. That high country is definitely our favorite place to hike.   August 11, 2010, Bill, Judy, Don, and I, drove the hundred miles up to the Crystal Lake trailhead, between Trial Lake and Washington Lake, where we have started a number of our hikes. This time we took the Clyde Lake trail going up, then over into Notch Pass of Notch Mountain, and then back down the Notch Mountain trail. This makes a 6.4 mile loop, passing 22 lakes and a few ponds. We climbed from 10,000 feet to about 10,650 feet, starting out at 9:20 in the morning and got back to the car at 4:00 PM. Counting driving time, we were gone most of the day.

In the fall of 2009, Bill and I did this hike in a counter clockwise direction. We decided to go again because neither Don nor Judy had been on this hike before, one of the best hikes in the area. I don't know of any other place where you can visit two dozen lakes and ponds in such a short hike. This year we did the loop in a clockwise direction, probably the best way, as you get the hardest part over with early.

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This is a small lake along the Clyde Lake trail, Petite Lake, very beautiful in the morning sun.

Up in the area of the three divide lakes, we left the trail and went looking for another lake north of them, one seen on the map, but we had never been to. (marked 'New Lake' on map below).   Later I found that it is named James Lake. From there we followed a ledge on up into the Notch of Notch Mountain.

I really like this hike, and have hiked it 5 times now. I have many photos of these lakes presented on my webpages already. I apologize for posting so many photos from these hikes, but out of the many hundreds that we take, it's hard to pare down to just a few. In trying to show you the trail and lakes along the trail, it takes a lot of photos.

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This is one of the Three Divide Lakes, looking east over it. Not on the trail, so few get to see it.

CLICK for GPS map of our trek

To get to the Trial Lake area, take SR 150 from Kamas Utah, or Evanston Wyoming, going towards Mirror Lake. A few miles south of Bald Mountain Pass, and just up hill from Provo Falls, the road makes a large half circle turn. In the middle of this turn is a side road leading to Trial Lake. After turning off SR 150, don't turn right for Trial Lake, but go farther up the hill and take the second right to the parking lot for Crystal Lake Trailhead. The Notch Mountain Trailhead is from the same parking lot. The Clyde Lake trail starts a little down the Crystal Lake trail, also labeled 'Lakes Country Trail'.

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This is the new Lake we wanted to find, James Lake, we hadn't been to it before. Mount Watson behind it.

   - 72 photos -
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Related Photos

We have hiked Clyde Lake and Notch Mountain loop often,
so there are many related hike pages included here

Notch Mountain, 2013
 Notch Mountain, 2011

Notch Mountain, 2011
 Notch Mountain, 2011

Notch Mountain, 2009
 Notch Mountain, 2009

Notch Mountain, 2000
 Notch Mountain, 2000

Clyde Lake, 2004
 Clyde Lake, 2004

Mount Watson, 2005
 Mount Watson, 2005

Notch Mountain, 2014
 Notch Mountain, 2014

More Uinta Hikes
 More Uinta Hikes

I used a small Canon Powershot, SX210, 14 Megapixel Camera which has Image Stabilazation and optical lens from wide angle to 14x zoom. Some of these photos were taken by Bill Joy with his Olympus E620 SLR and lens assortment. Also Judy took some of the photos with her Canon Digital Reble Xti SLR, and assortment of lenses.

These photos are set to lower resolution and compressed 10:1 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.

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