August 2014 - 72 photos

This is our first summer hike for the year. Haven't done any hiking until now, which is unusual for us. This one we did on the 30th of August, 2014. Four of us did the hike. Me, Bill, Cheryl, and John. We started out from the Crystal Lake trail head, going west at first on the Lakes Country Trail, then took the Clyde Lake Trail (sign says Cliff Lake), past Cliff Lake, Watson Lake, and up to Clyde Lake. From there we went west up to the Three Divide Lakes. There is no trail going this way, you must be familiar with the area, use a map, or GPS. At the west end of the Divide Lakes we turned north to James Lake, and back east past John Lake and up the ledge into the Notch of Notch Mountain. We came back down along the Notch Mountain Trail making a circle around Wall Lake.

The wide ledge we use to get up to the Notch is by far the best way to hike the Notch. If you are interested in using this ledge, it's a bit hard to find the beginning. You can see two higher ledges plainly, but one doesn't go through and the other ends up too high. The one you want is hard to see, and it starts straight east from the pond east of John Lake. We call it Little John. Stay close to the edge of the mountain and walk east. You will be on the proper ledge within 100 feet.

This is one of the better hikes in the Western Uintas, as it passes about 22 lakes in 6 miles. Can't do much better than that. According to my GPS, We hiked 6.2 miles and climbed 580 feet. Don't really know why, but the GPS reads a little difference in altitude every time I do this hike.

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Trial Lake, with the Notch of Notch Mountain in the background.

The week before we did the hike it snowed up in this area. I expected there would still be a little snow, but there wasn't, although the ground was very wet. We found muddy trails in some places. The cold has caused the foliage to change color early. The pines are green, but out in the open meadows and around the lakes it's all turning yellow, orange, and brown.

The weather forecast had mentioned that it might rain in the afternoon, and it did. Becasue of the rain and clouds, our pictures don't have the great color we usually get. We finished at 3:00 and as we were getting into the car the rain stopped and the sky cleared up. Of course... Murphy's Law again.

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Cliff Lake and the cliffs it was named for.

I really like this hike, and have hiked parts of it 8 times now. I realize that I am presenting a lot of photos, but it's hard to throw out so many good ones. On each of these hikes we take hundreds more photos than you see presented here.

you can view our photos by clicking on any of the pictures here
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View of Wall Lake and the Twin Lakes while walking up the inclined ledge.

CLICK for GPS map of our hike

To get to the Trial Lake area, take SR 150 from Kamas Utah, or Evanston Wyoming, going towards Mirror Lake. A few miles south of Bald Mountain Pass, and just up hill from Provo Falls, the road makes a large half circle turn. In the middle of this turn is a side road leading to Trial Lake. After turning off SR 150, don't turn right for Trial Lake, but go farther up the hill and take the next right to the parking lot for Crystal Lake Trailhead. The Notch Mountain Trailhead is from the same parking lot. The Clyde Lake trail, marked 'Cliff Lake', starts a little down the Crystal Lake trail, also labeled 'Lakes Country Trail'.

   - 72 photos -
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Related Photos

We have hiked Clyde Lake and Notch Mountain loop often,
so there are many related hike pages included here

Notch Mountain, 2011
 Notch Mountain, 2011

Notch Mountain, 2010
 Notch Mountain, 2010

Notch Mountain, 2009
 Notch Mountain, 2009

Notch Mountain, 2000
 Notch Mountain, 2000

Clyde Lake, 2004
 Clyde Lake, 2004

Mount Watson, 2005
 Mount Watson, 2005

Notch Mountain, 2013
 Notch Mountain, 2013

More Uinta Hikes
 More Uinta Hikes

My photos were taken with a small Canon Powershot, SX280, 12 Megapixel Camera which has Image Stabilization and a lens going from wide angle to 20x optical zoom. Cheryl's photos were taken with her cellphone, which takes pretty good photos. Bill took his photos with a Canon PowerShot S110, which has 5x zoom.

These photos are set to lower resolution and compressed 10:1 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.

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