August 2011 - 72 photos

Our group got together for another hike August 5th, 2011. Included were my daughter Cheryl, and friends Judy, Marlene, Bill, and Larry. We drove the hundred miles up to the Western Uinta Mountains again. The pictures will tell you why. We started from the Ruth Lake Trailhead, 35 miles from Kamas along S-150. The hike up to Ruth Lake is less than a mile, but we went on to visit a number of lakes west of there that we visited last year. There are no trails beyond Ruth Lake, so we had to depend on my GPS to find our way. The day was fantastic, hardly any clouds, and mild temperatures.

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Ruth Lake, the main lake in the area, found at the end of a short trail.

This time we did the loop the opposite direction, going clockwise. I attempted to set up this hike for less climbing, based on what I learned last year, by using a map to decide what is flat and what is not, didn't work very good. We ended up doing as much climbing as before. We also crossed through some very rough terrain, as you will see in the pictures. I must give credit to the women that went with us, it wasn't an easy hike. For that matter, the rest of us got pretty tired by the finish. We did see some awesome country though. Sights few other people get to see.

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This is Jewel Lake, one of many that we visited

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On this hike we walked 6.9 miles, and varied in altitude by 321 feet. All above 10,000 feet. Hope you enjoy looking at these photos.

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Cutthroat Lake, one of the harder lakes to reach

CLICK for GPS map of our trek

To get to the Ruth Lake Trailhead, take SR 150 from Kamas Utah, or Evanston Wyoming, going towards Mirror Lake. A few miles north of Bald Mountain Pass, at mile marker 35, the trailhead is on the west side of the road. There are a couple of parking lots and a pit toilet. From Kamas, Utah take Highway 150 east for 35 miles, or from Evanston, Wyoming follow Highway 150 south for 43 miles watching for mile marker 35, and the Ruth Lake Trailhead sign.

   - 72 photos -
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Related Photos

We have hiked the Ruth Lake Area often,
so other hikes are related in different ways

Ruth Lake, 2010
 Ruth Lake, 2010

Beyond Ruth, 2010
 Beyond Ruth, 2010

Lofty Lake, 2012
 Lofty Lake, 2012

More Uinta Hikes
 More Uinta Hikes

My photos were taken with a small Canon Powershot, SX210, 14 Megapixel Camera which has Image Stabilazation and optical lens from wide angle to 14x zoom. Some of these photos were taken by Bill Joy with his Olympus E620 SLR and lens assortment. Also Judy took some of the photos with her Canon Digital Reble Xti SLR, and assortment of lenses.

These photos are set to lower resolution and compressed 10:1 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.

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