RUTH LAKE and Beyond
July 2010 - 72 photos

Bill and I really liked the area of Ruth Lake in the Uinta Mountains, which we hiked recently, so decided to explore the area farther. On July 7th, 2010, we went again taking Don and Judy along with us, and after walking up to Ruth Lake we cut across country where there were no trails. According to the map, there were many lakes up in that area, and the area appeared to be fairly flat. Using my GPS and a map, we managed to find each of the lakes on our map, but the terrain was a little rougher than expected. We couldn't always walk in a straight line. Never the less, we did manage to get where we wanted to go, and never felt lost at any time. We could identify all the mountain peaks around us, so knew where we were.

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This is Jewel Lake, one of the lakes we found by using my GPS

It was beautiful country and at very high altitude, all above 10,000 feet. It took us about the same time it usually does, counting lunch we took 6 hours to go 5.67 miles. Because of all our photos stops, we usually average about one mile per hour. We found quite a few lakes and ponds on this hike, and really enjoyed our day. I found hiking cross country without trails to be more natural, quieter, and more enjoyable.

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As the sign says, this one is Teal Lake, the farthest one we hiked to

We enjoyed the cooler weather up there too, which was much cooler than back home. The day was quite nice until we were on the way back down and it clouded up and rained a little, but we had jackets and it only lasted about 10 minutes. Hope you enjoy looking at these photos.

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Cutthroat Lake, one we found coming back from Teal Lake

I took my new Canon SX210 again, to continue checking it out. I am getting better at using it, and the more I use it, the more I like it. The SX210 has 14x optical zoom, ending up equal to 392mm, I will continue to use it on the hikes this summer, to see if it's good enough for what I want.

CLICK for GPS map of our trek

To get to the Ruth Lake Trailhead, take SR 150 from Kamas Utah, or Evanston Wyoming, going towards Mirror Lake. A few miles north of Bald Mountain Pass, at mile marker 35, the trailhead is on the west side of the road. There are a couple of parking lots and a pit toilet. From Kamas, Utah take Highway 150 east for 35 miles, or from Evanston, Wyoming follow Highway 150 south for 43 miles watching for mile marker 35, and the Ruth Lake Trailhead sign.

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   - 72 photos -
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Ruth Lake, 2010
 Ruth Lake, 2010

Ruth Lake Area, 2011
 Ruth Lake Area, 2011

Lofty Lake, 2012
 Lofty Lake, 2012

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 More Uinta Hikes

My photos were taken with a small Canon Powershot, SX210, 14 Megapixel Camera which has Image Stabilazation and optical lens from wide angle to 14x zoom. Some of these photos were taken by Bill Joy with his Olympus E620 SLR and lens assortment. Also Judy took some of the photos with her Canon Digital Reble Xti SLR, and assortment of lenses.

These photos are set to lower resolution and compressed 10:1 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.

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