Snowshoeing below Snowbasin February 2009
- 36 photos
and 10 extra panoramas
Sunday the 15th of February, 2009, Don, Carol, and I went snowshoeing from the Snowbasin Ski Resort over into the Maples picnic area, then went down the trail towards Art Nord, following along the upper Wheeler Creek. After a couple of miles, we decided to head back to the car, as it was getting late and we wanted to be back to the car by 5:00 PM. It was a good thing we turned back as before long it was clouding up and the wind was beginning to blow. It didn't really get very bad and for the most part I was so warm that I unzipped my coat liner, took off my gloves and put up the earflaps. Snowshoeing is hard work though and I was plenty warm until the wind started to blow, then I bundled up again.
The Wheeler Creek road and valley at the end were named after Arthur George Nord, a Forest Service employee responsible for restoring the watersheds in the area, as well as designing roads into the Snowbasin Ski Resort.
Don, Carol, and me, ready to snowshoe
The snow was much deeper this time out, as we had received more snow a few days earlier. We stopped for lunch at one of the bridges over a stream, finding that we could sit quite comfortably on the railing, a railing that normally would be about 5 feet above the floor of the bridge. I figured the snow was at least 52 inches deep, before we packed it down snowshoeing. We didn't walk a long way, but it was a pretty good workout, especially climbing back up to the lodge. We walked a little more than two miles, dropping 525 feet, then returned back up along the Old Snowbasin Road for a total distance of 4 miles. We crossed over through the valley just below Snowbasin to get back to the parking lot.
One of the bridges over Wheeler Creek
I recently found a program for stitching photos together into long panoramic views, so I took a lot of photos with that intention. I have included a page of them. Click here or on photo below to see them.

Panoramic view in the Maples area. Click on photo to see more panoramas
- 36 photos - to look at these photos
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Snowshoeing Maples Area
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I used a Canon Powershot SD700 IS Digital Elph, 6 megapixel, with 4x optical and 4x digital zoom.
Original photos were taken at aprox 2800 x 2100. These photos are set to 750 x 560 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.
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