WINTER WILDLIFE II April 2009 - 51 photos
In April of 2009, Bill Joy and I went for a drive up through Morgan Utah into East Canyon looking for wildlife. I did this the year before with my 400mm lens, and now wanted to try again with my new 500mm lens. I added a 1.4x multiplier to give me 700mm and my camera adds 1.6x cropping factor for an astounding 1120mm effective focal length, that's equal to 22.4x magnification. This lens gets me in close. You have to realize these photos were taken from a long way off, and I couldn't have taken pictures like these with a regular telephoto lens.
We were really lucky in finding many Deer, some Wild Turkeys, a couple of Sand Cranes, a Redtail Hawk, and two Coyotes. The Redtail Hawk and Coyotes were seen a little farther on above East Canyon dam on the old dirt road going to Jeremy Ranch. We didn't get our cameras out fast enough to catch the turkeys, but a few days earlier on a drive through Blacksmith Fork Canyon we did get pictures of the Turkeys. I will add those at the end of what we photographed in East Canyon.
We saw many deer along the road in East Canyon above Morgan
After we finished photographing the deer along the road in East Canyon, we continued on around East Canyon Reservoir where we saw the two Sand Cranes along the stream at the west end of the lake. The main paved road, (S-66), was closed farther on due to snow, so we took a dirt road, or should say very muddy road up into the higher country and deeper snow. Along there we saw a red-tailed hawk in a nest, then two coyotes off to one side. They were on the move and we kept photographing them as they crossed the road and went up into the hills. These coyotes were so far away, that even with the big telephoto lens, I still had to crop most of the photos to get in this close.
The road where I took these Coyote pictures is called Jeremy Ranch Road and is the original trail that the Donner Reid Party followed going west, and the Mormon pioneers as well. It eventually goes on down into Emigration Canyon to Salt Lake City. Something that really surprised me, we passed a lot of other vehicles coming and going along that muddy, snow covered road.
One of the two Coyotes we saw on the Jeremy Ranch Road
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A few days earlier Bill and I were driving home from Hardware Ranch where we went to see the Elk, (See my Elk at Hardware Ranch page), when we came across a bunch of Wild Turkeys along the road in Blacksmith Fork Canyon. We jumped out of the car and captured some photos of them.
We saw these Turkeys along the road in Black Smith Fork Canyon
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More pages of Winter Wildlife
Winter Wildlife 1
Winter Wildlife 3
Hardware Elk Ranch
I used a Canon EOS 40D, 10.1 Megapixel SLR Camera with a Canon EF 500mm telephoto lens for close-up photos. I also used a Canon 1.4x adapter for more power. That's equal 22.4x magnification.
These photos are set to 750 x 500 for faster loading. You are welcome to look at or download any of the photos. If you use them on any other webpage, please give credit and refer back to me.
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